PAT Illinois State Office Advisory Council

Meet the PAT Illinois Advisory Council

The PAT Illinois Advisory Council brings together a diverse group of individuals committed to advancing the mission of Parents as Teachers Illinois State Office across the state. This council is comprised of State Office staff, key funders, and affiliate supervisors who represent the wide array of programs and regions served by the PAT IL State Office. Together, they provide valuable insights, strategic guidance, and collaborative leadership to support the success of families, children, and early childhood programs statewide.

PAT IL State Office Staff

Ariel Chaidez, PAT State Leader

Teresa Duffey, Assistant Program Manager

Victoria Martin, PAT Project Manager

Illinois Funders:

Penny Smith, Illinois State Board of Education

Tracy Small, Department of Human Services

Whitney Walsh, Home Visiting and Doula Network, Start Early

Affiliate Supervisors

Tara Case, Regional Office of Education # 33

Heather Franklin, Southern Region Early Childhood Programs (Murphysboro CUSD 186)

Nichole Giovanni, Rockford Public Schools #205

Cindy Matias, Lyons School District 103

Trenetta McLemore, Family Focus Inc.

Lois Meisenheimer, Regional Office of Education # 47