2024 in Review: Strengthening Programs, Supporting Families

A Look Back at Our Collective Impact and Progress Across Illinois

As we reflect on 2024, it’s clear it was a year of collaboration, growth, and dedication in Illinois. Together, we accomplished significant milestones that strengthened programs and supported families statewide.

The PAT IL State Office Advisory Council held its kickoff meeting, laying the foundation for meaningful progress in the years ahead. Members engaged in key discussions on strengthening communication, streamlining workflows, and addressing the unique needs of underserved communities. Priorities such as workforce stability, equitable support, and adapting to systemic changes were identified, setting the stage for future collaboration.

The 2023-2024 Annual Performance Report highlighted the incredible work of Illinois affiliates, showcasing strong family engagement, connections to vital resources, and improved developmental outcomes for children. Many programs also made strides in meeting Essential Requirements, demonstrating their ongoing commitment to quality and continuous improvement.

The return to in-person PAT Supervisors Learning Communities last year provided supervisors with valuable opportunities to share insights, reflect on best practices, and learn from one another. Core topics included family engagement, trauma-informed care, and staff retention, while virtual options ensured accessibility for all participants.

Supervisor turnover presented additional challenges in 2024, driven by retirements, career advancements, and workforce fatigue. To address this, the Illinois PAT State Office supported programs through targeted technical assistance, including the launch of the new PAT Supervisors Bootcamp. These group TA events provided onboarding support, networking opportunities, and collaborative learning environments for supervisors.

Last year, home visitors in Illinois faced significant challenges, including increased mental health concerns, the ongoing integration of virtual engagement, and maintaining visit frequency. To adapt, they enhanced their skills through training and targeted technical assistance, with the State Office serving as a key resource for ongoing learning and support. These efforts highlighted the importance of continuous professional development to ensure high-quality, consistent service delivery across the state.

As we celebrate these achievements, we look forward to continuing to build on this momentum in the year ahead. Thank you for being so dedicated to supporting families, and stay tuned for more updates and highlights in future posts!

By the Numbers in 2024

Look at what we accomplished together in Illinois! These numbers reflect the hard work and dedication of our PAT community:

State Office Statistics

  • Total TA Interactions: 1, 141
  • Total Hours of TA Delivered 1, 410
  • Total Number of Site Visits (in person and virtual) : 508
  • Trainings Delivered by State Office: 22
  • Staff Trained in IL: 313

Illinois Affiliate Statistics

  • Number of IL Affiliates: 93
  • Families Served : 7, 749
  • Children Served: 8, 988
  • Number of IL Parent Educators: 505